Family Day, Office Move, and Tariffs

2025 has barely begun, but there is already a lot to report on.

Trade War

Firstly, on the issue of tariffs between Canada and the USA: This is a very fluid situation, and we are engaged with it every day. But we are also cognisant that the same principles that guide our investment decisions in less turbulent times, still apply. We prioritize ‘time in the market’ over ‘timing the market.’ That means we aren’t making knee-jerk reactions to each and every announcement that comes from the White House. We are also very strategic about what industries are most heavily impacted by these policies. Currently, we have limited or no exposure to automotive manufacturers, auto parts suppliers, base metal mining, chemicals, fertilizers, or lumber suppliers exporting to the U.S.

For more details on the impact of tariffs on our portfolios, please read Kai Lam’s report here.

You can also follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook for timely updates.

New Home

We’ve settled into our new offices at First Canadian Place. It is a gorgeous space full of historic character and modern amenities. We look forward to welcoming clients here for many years to come.

Our new mailing address is:

320 Bay Street, Suite 500

Toronto, ON, M5H 4A6


Our phone numbers remain the same, including our main number: 416-366-1122

Family Day

Next Monday is Family Day in Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Ontario, and Saskatchewan. Most other provinces have also made it a holiday: Louis Riel Day in Manitoba, Islander Day in Prince Edward Island, and Heritage Day in Nova Scotia.

 Whatever you call it, it’s a great time to reflect on what is most important to us, and the reason behind everything we do. Michelle Burandt, one of our relationship managers, is very aware of how investment decisions can impact the entire family. On our YouTube channel she tells the story of a multigenerational family and how a thoughtful approach to estate planning helped three generations.

Stay in Touch

If you want to connect with one of our relationship managers, please book a time by clicking the green button.

Upcoming dates to remember

  • Friday February 14th – Valentine’s Day

  • Monday February 17th – Family Day

  • Thursday, February 27th – Provincial Election in Ontario

  • Friday February 28th – Last day to contribute to RRSPs for 2024 fiscal year

  • Sunday March 9th – Federal Liberal Leadership Vote


Although we obtain information contained in our newsletter from sources we believe to be reliable, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of JCIC Asset Management, its editors and contributors, and may change without notice. Any views or opinions expressed in the newsletter may not reflect those of the firm as a whole. The information in our newsletter may become outdated and we have no obligation to update it. The information in our newsletter is not intended to constitute individual investment advice and is not designed to meet your personal financial situation. It is provided for information purposes only and nothing herein constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a security. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor or a group of investors. It should not be assumed that any investments in securities, companies, sectors or markets identified and described were or will be profitable. We strongly advise you to discuss your investment options with your Relationship Manager prior to making any investments, including whether any investment is suitable for your specific needs.

The information provided in our newsletter is private, privileged, and confidential information, licensed for your sole individual use as a subscriber. JCIC Asset Management reserves all rights to the content of this newsletter.


Time in the Market vs Timing the Market


Tariff Update and Impact Assessment